Many people ask me why I am such a fan of the DuBard Association Method and it is easy for me to go into a great discussion. I can support it with research and proven theories. However, what is most important is it works and not just for children with Dyslexia. I have found the DuBard Association Method very successful for children with severe articulation impairments, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), oral language impairments, helping nonverbal children become verbal, children with mild impairments, children with Dyslexia, and typically developing children.
However, until you see it in action and understand the theories and look at learning to read as more than just an academic skill taught in elementary school it is very difficult to understand. BUT come and spend a day with any of the child with whom I use this method and the proof is in the pudding. The progress the children make speaks for themselves. Below is a comparison of one child's sound test, something that is frequently done to measure the child's ability to learn individual phonemes. The teacher calls out the sounds and the child writes the sound/phoneme. The image on the left was the child's performance on June 3rd and he could write it in print or cursive whichever way he knew it. The image on the right is June 11th. After a total of 8 hours of intervention in 1.5 weeks. One of the main concerns for the parent was reading but also inability to write like same age peers.
However, until you see it in action and understand the theories and look at learning to read as more than just an academic skill taught in elementary school it is very difficult to understand. BUT come and spend a day with any of the child with whom I use this method and the proof is in the pudding. The progress the children make speaks for themselves. Below is a comparison of one child's sound test, something that is frequently done to measure the child's ability to learn individual phonemes. The teacher calls out the sounds and the child writes the sound/phoneme. The image on the left was the child's performance on June 3rd and he could write it in print or cursive whichever way he knew it. The image on the right is June 11th. After a total of 8 hours of intervention in 1.5 weeks. One of the main concerns for the parent was reading but also inability to write like same age peers.
Another example....
At the end of the school year one of the families with who I work received an email from their daughter's classroom teacher about the progress she has made. Because of all the snow this winter we really did not consistently begin working with one another until the beginning of March and then we had spring break, etc. I meet with this little girl in the 2nd grade once a week. I use the principles and techniques of the DuBard Association Method in conjunction with her school spelling program. She has responded phenomenally. Here are the results that her teacher reported at the end go the year after only approximately 9 weeks of interventions......
Child X -- STAR reading scored grew from the 22 percentile to the 62 percentile in comparison to 2nd graders nation wide. Her grade equivalent on the same test went from a 1.5 (1st grade 5th month) to a 3.2 (3rd grade 2nd month). Her score on the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) was a 34 and end of second grade expected in 28-30.
These results are not the same for every child BUT since the program is tailored to the needs of that individual child progress is there, the rate may vary. The above-mentioned child and I will begin working again next week after a month break. I can't wait to see where she is performing before school starts in August. I didn't perform magic...I simply used a proven multi sensory program that teachers in a systematic and incremental way. I can't wait to train others on how to get the same results from their students!!!
Thank you to the DuBard School for allowing me this opportunity.
Child X -- STAR reading scored grew from the 22 percentile to the 62 percentile in comparison to 2nd graders nation wide. Her grade equivalent on the same test went from a 1.5 (1st grade 5th month) to a 3.2 (3rd grade 2nd month). Her score on the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) was a 34 and end of second grade expected in 28-30.
These results are not the same for every child BUT since the program is tailored to the needs of that individual child progress is there, the rate may vary. The above-mentioned child and I will begin working again next week after a month break. I can't wait to see where she is performing before school starts in August. I didn't perform magic...I simply used a proven multi sensory program that teachers in a systematic and incremental way. I can't wait to train others on how to get the same results from their students!!!
Thank you to the DuBard School for allowing me this opportunity.